Knowing what it is that we see brings us meaning and gives value to what is seen. —Lynn Bevan

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Take a Walk

Travel the curving path and enjoy the diversity that this Walk brings.

The map shows one example, even if there are multiples, of each type of tree on The Jean & Michael Bevan Tree Walk. There are other trees that the Town has planted that are not identified.

If you click on the tree icons found on the map, you will see a description of each species and the beautiful images painted by Julian Mulock, artist and family friend.

Autumn Purple White Ash Common Douglas-fir Paperbark Maple​ White Fir​ Black Locust Autumn Blaze Maple Golden Desert® Ash Tuliptree Moraine Sweetgum Northern Catalpa Scarlet Oak Eastern White Pine​ Eastern Redbud Green Mountain® Sugar Maple Swamp White Oak Kentucky Coffeetree American Beech​ Shagbark Hickory Scarlet Sentinel® Maple River Birch Common Hackberry Northern Red Oak Ginkgo Silver Queen Silver Maple Regal Prince Oak JMB Marker